So I have been crazy busy lately I just feel like I am taking on a lot and I know I need to just slow down a bit but I can't help it, I like to be busy! The thing that has taken a lot of time is trying to get my sisters moved and the house they lived in cleaned up! I forget what a pain moving is! my parents have also put their house up for sale and are building a new house so we will eventually have to help them move AGAIN! for like the 10th time, blah! I have been working and trying to take care of my own house, laundry, ketta a husband. Helping my mom with our family reunion invitations,Then we will add church callings on top of that girls camp meetings, preparing lessons for sunday, mutal, I have also been trying to sing wherever I can, we did the music for a friends wedding and I sang at the pageant awhile back, singing in church this sunday and I almost forgot about it! so got the practicing done today, visiting teaching done today, yay! I have also been trying to help a friend write a song and help all my friends with showdown stuff, I feel bad that I haven't had more time to help them! we have friends out of town that we need to help, and friends that want to come down and spend time with us when we are not busy! I also have been wanting to get started in the MONA VIE business, its an amazing product and I love the benifits of the product, so I am hoping to get on the road with it but I am not sure yet how we are going to manage that also! phew, anyway thats whats been going on in a nutshell, I finally got ketta to take a nap she has been running me ragged all day long, I really don't know if I can handle another one as fiesty as her! I really don't see this summer slowing down at all, I think it's going to fly by as busy as I am going to be but I like to be busy really I do!! (I just want a vacation somewhere in the middle of all this!) haha.
1 comment:
Oh, don't do Mona Vie. Their compensation plan is aweful. Seriously. It's so hard to make good money in that. It is a good product....but the company itself is not all that great. And their product is made in the same factory as Noni and Xango. That tells ya more. Please re-think it. We've done a lot of research and the business plan really is not good. Call or e-mail me if you want more details.
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