Monday, March 16, 2009


So, we had a blast this week, brandon, heather, austin and baby gavin were over all week long and we partied every day! we played at the park , went biking through snow canyon, and had a great time with them ketta misses them so much!! Ketta has been a popular little girl we have been to birthday parties galore. It's been so much fun. I am loving young womens its so much fun I almost feel like a teenager again I havent laughed this much in a long time the girls are amazing very bright talented beautiful girls I feel a little out of my element learning to teach a lesson Is so different from teaching a song but I am learning probably more than the girls are. anyway just wanted to update quick nothing really new and exciting going on just the same-o stuff but we are loving the same-o stuff!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Busy but FUN busy!

so right now ketty is on my lap and I am trying to type this she is just not allowing it! ok hold on...... k hopefully shrek will keep her entertained long enough for me to get a post up! haha. so this weekend was awesome! lets start with Thursday night, I had a much needed Girls night out to celebrate Ames gettin hitched! it was so much fun! I forgot how much fun it is to just kick back with my friends. I am going to have to schedule in at least one night a month to get out with the girls. so fun! anyway then BRett and I headed up to Junction UT. to go record one of my songs, I decided to record "God Bless the Military Wife" I wrote it on memorial day two years ago and people keep asking me for it! so it will be nice to be able to give it to people when they want it! I am pretty proud of that one! Some of my friends who have gone through having to live without their husbands around while they are out serving our country are the inspiration behind the song. SO Saturday morning I got to go sing with the Scott Emett Band they were playing at the Dentistry with Heart event, it was so fun I love singing with them! they are so talented, I am so blessed! then I ran home and got changed and went to Mike and Amy's wedding! It was a beautiful event and they are soooo happy, and I couldnt be happier for them! yay! Amy always knows how to throw a good party :) Sunday I went to Church,I was sitting in sunday school and could hear the primary kids singing and I felt a sad little prick in my heart, missing them already! but I was so excited to go to young womens some of the girls that are in there now were in primary when I was the chorister so it was kind of fun to tease them about not being able to get rid of me! haha. anyway so we had a whirlwind of a weekend it was a blast. Kettybug got to stay with her nana and play with her friends savanna and mckenzie she went swimming and ate pizza and got neilsons frozen custard and had a sleepover and watched movies she had a blast!!!! anyway thats about it, Cant wait to see what this week holds for us!!