Monday, November 17, 2008

Mikettas Mishaps

she sat down and rolled in the dirt!~
miss independent this is why i dont let her feed herself!

another favorite pastime throwing everything out of mommys purse!

climbing in drawers

climbing in other things~!

and sparing me from eating all of that glorious popcorn!

So I was reading my sister-in-laws blog about how big a handful her little austin is! and it just reminded me about all the things I went through and are still going through with our little handful! it must be the Ipson genes! haha.

So here we go...... some of my favorite of Mikettas Mishaps
Throwing mommys keys in the toilet

loosing the remote control in the closet, it took 2 weeks and a closet makeover to find it!

breaking off all the "childproof" locks on the doors and cabinents

dumping Mylicon all over the bed and smearing it on the wall

giving her a box of nerds to play with thinking she couldnt get it open. haha

getting the egg carton box out of the garbage and dumping the shells on the floor and stomping all over them.

finding mommys foundation and squirting it all over everything

dumping rice vinegar on my kitchen rugs

two words Comet Clenser all through the house.

sticking things up her nose, gold fishys in particular
there are so many more it would take a while to write them all down but there is just a little sample of kettas great accomplishments! Gotta love her!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

halloween and other fun things!

tryin to rope cows!
my beautiful cinderella!!

Kissing her Knight in shining armor!

awww a little mud never hurt anybody!

she was smiling when she left but not when she came back!

So, Halloween was a blast! I think its Mikettas new favorite holiday! we get to be whatever we want to be and we get free candy! woo hoo! She dressed up as Cinderella her favorite princess and looked beautiful! both of our families live here in st. george so we had a lot of people to go see! Miketta's little friend Tyler came over to see her he was dressed as a knight so we got some adorable pictures of them together. Miketta likes to lay down and pretend she is a sleeping princess and the prince has to come kiss her and wake her up! so we got some pictures of that. They are so cute together!

We also had gone to the Stahlie family corn maze 2 weeks ago, I sang for a group of foreign exchange students it was a blast :) Ketta took a ride on the tractor train thingy they have and she was the only one on it so the driver went pretty fast and got mud all over her we were laughing so hard she was pretty upset about it! anyway we are having a blast and we have a busy month a head of us! my mom and dad's anniversary was on Nov. 2nd, my sisters birthday is today the 8th my brothers is on the 16th, bretts is on the 20th and mine on the 29th. so I have a great excuse for eating cake and ice cream every week this month! plus we have thanksgiving so our fun busy month is just beginning!