Tuesday, September 8, 2009

ketta is 4!!!

I know I am a blogger slacker, we have been a busy bunch latley! our biggest news Miketta turned 4 on sept. 5th!! 4! I can't even believe it. She has also started preschool and loves it! Brett and I have been hunting a lot, we both bought archery tags for spike or cow elk. we had a lot of fun but no luck ): I have been working a lot too and have been busy with young womens. just wanted to write a quick update! loves to all!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

For Grandpa Lamb

we went up to strawberry res. this last weekend and had a wonderful time, I spent a lot of time up there when I was younger with my grandma and grandpa lamb, I hadnt been there for years we stayed in the same campground we used to stay in and it brought back so many memories brett and I also own grandpas old fishing boat we took it up there and I just felt so many emotions being there again. remembering how much grandpa loved it and how much he would have loved to be there with us. he had painted the inside of his boat bright turquoise the same color that I am using on this font, we had painted over it an ugly gray color and I just couldnt help but notice that a lot of our yucky gray paint had peeled off, it kinda made me laugh and suddenly the words to this poem came to my mind, I am not a poet by any means I am sure it needs tweaking and I really dont know how to spell turquoise but my grandpa was sure close to my heart I am so grateful for all he did for me.

The Old Fishing Boat

The old fishing boat
memories of you,
gray paint fading
turquoise blue shows through.

It's almost like your here again
casting out, reeling in.
hearing the stories of when you were young,
singing the songs that used to be sung.

Forgetting your pain for a little while
enduring it just to see us smile.
twisted calloused hands taught me how
to bait a hook,
you'll never know all the lessons from
you that I took.

I felt your presence all around
every move and every sound.
Reminded me that your not really gone,
you were right there fishing with
me all along.

Friday, June 12, 2009

just in time for fathers day!

check out this blog this stuff is super new and the hunting person in your life will LOVE It!

my sis chels

trying to get everyone to look at the camera haha funny
ready for a day of shopping!!

ketta getting spoiled at the mall by chels she rode like every ride there!

Eating at the pizza factory!

So my dearest sister/friend chelsea came down to visit me I haven't seen her in forever and I am so glad she took time off to come down to St. George and play! we had a great time! love her! she is an amazing person she has the kindest heart she would do anything you asked her to! we need more people like her in this world!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

So BUSY!!!

me, Miss washington county fair, and the new Miss City of ST. george
singin at the pageant! it was sooo much fun!!

So I have been crazy busy lately I just feel like I am taking on a lot and I know I need to just slow down a bit but I can't help it, I like to be busy! The thing that has taken a lot of time is trying to get my sisters moved and the house they lived in cleaned up! I forget what a pain moving is! my parents have also put their house up for sale and are building a new house so we will eventually have to help them move AGAIN! for like the 10th time, blah! I have been working and trying to take care of my own house, laundry, ketta a husband. Helping my mom with our family reunion invitations,Then we will add church callings on top of that girls camp meetings, preparing lessons for sunday, mutal, I have also been trying to sing wherever I can, we did the music for a friends wedding and I sang at the pageant awhile back, singing in church this sunday and I almost forgot about it! so got the practicing done today, visiting teaching done today, yay! I have also been trying to help a friend write a song and help all my friends with showdown stuff, I feel bad that I haven't had more time to help them! we have friends out of town that we need to help, and friends that want to come down and spend time with us when we are not busy! I also have been wanting to get started in the MONA VIE business, its an amazing product and I love the benifits of the product, so I am hoping to get on the road with it but I am not sure yet how we are going to manage that also! phew, anyway thats whats been going on in a nutshell, I finally got ketta to take a nap she has been running me ragged all day long, I really don't know if I can handle another one as fiesty as her! I really don't see this summer slowing down at all, I think it's going to fly by as busy as I am going to be but I like to be busy really I do!! (I just want a vacation somewhere in the middle of all this!) haha.

Monday, May 11, 2009

so lucky to have her!

My sweet little ketty
playing peek a boo in the camper I love her so much!

I love this picture, she was a chubby little thing(:

just a few hours after she was born, my beautiful baby.

Just another mishap to add to the book!
but I think she looks like a work of art!!

I love my little kettybug so much, Mothers day is so great! I love being a mommy, Ketta makes me laugh everyday she has incredible energy and a beautiful spirit, I sat and watched her yesterday and I reflected on the past 3 years I cannot believe how much she has grown and changed. I am so grateful she is my baby girl.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter and other happenings!

run ketta ruN!!!
waiting for the egg hunt

my mom my sister arli, me and baby hazel

Issac, arli and sara with hazel

arli and baby hazel

shooting my bow! look out!

kettybug and her daddy

camping at baker!

playing at the river with tyler!

tyler and ketta

So, where to begin? we had a great easter! I planned a get together at my moms house and then decided it would be a good idea to tell her about it! Aunt Cindy, Uncle Steve, thier family, my Uncle Jared and his family, Aunt Annie and Rachel all came over to my mom and dads and we had a blast! despite the yucky weather! we ate and laughed and colored eggs and played basketball, it was so fun! the easter bunny brought ketta a little mermaid doll and a bunch of other fun things!~ she was so fun to watch at the egg hunts this year she is totally getting the concept and its so fun to see her so excited! she said that the easter bunny was coming to her house on a blue scooter! hahaha. not sure where that idea came from!

some other things that have been going on this month, Arli had her baby on april 2nd she gave her baby to a beautiful couple they have been trying for 7 years to have a baby and they have had a long road and we are so blessed to have met them! they flew in for the birth and got there about 3 hours before they decided to take arli and have a c-section done, she weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces, they named her Hazel Ann, I will post some pictures so you can see how beautiful she is! I cannot get over arli's unselfishness she just amazes me. its been hard and emotional but also very comforting at the same time we all know that she is where she is supposed to be its hard to explain. adoption truly is miraculous!

we went on our annual confrence camping trip! we love to listen to confrence in the great outdoors, its so nice. while we were up at baker we took our bows and got some shooting practice in! I ended up loosing an arrow! ooops! haha. I love my bow I am excited to be learning about bow hunting its definetly not as easy as a lot of people make it look!

I also took ketta and her little boyfriend tyler to the river a few weeks ago we got some great pictures and they had a blast!

anyway cant think of anything else that has been going on, I try to recapture the whole month in one post! probably not at great idea but its better than nothing I guess, I don't know I dont think our lives are all that exciting! haha! lots of loves!

Monday, March 16, 2009


So, we had a blast this week, brandon, heather, austin and baby gavin were over all week long and we partied every day! we played at the park , went biking through snow canyon, and had a great time with them ketta misses them so much!! Ketta has been a popular little girl we have been to birthday parties galore. It's been so much fun. I am loving young womens its so much fun I almost feel like a teenager again I havent laughed this much in a long time the girls are amazing very bright talented beautiful girls I feel a little out of my element learning to teach a lesson Is so different from teaching a song but I am learning probably more than the girls are. anyway just wanted to update quick nothing really new and exciting going on just the same-o stuff but we are loving the same-o stuff!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Busy but FUN busy!

so right now ketty is on my lap and I am trying to type this she is just not allowing it! ok hold on...... k hopefully shrek will keep her entertained long enough for me to get a post up! haha. so this weekend was awesome! lets start with Thursday night, I had a much needed Girls night out to celebrate Ames gettin hitched! it was so much fun! I forgot how much fun it is to just kick back with my friends. I am going to have to schedule in at least one night a month to get out with the girls. so fun! anyway then BRett and I headed up to Junction UT. to go record one of my songs, I decided to record "God Bless the Military Wife" I wrote it on memorial day two years ago and people keep asking me for it! so it will be nice to be able to give it to people when they want it! I am pretty proud of that one! Some of my friends who have gone through having to live without their husbands around while they are out serving our country are the inspiration behind the song. SO Saturday morning I got to go sing with the Scott Emett Band they were playing at the Dentistry with Heart event, it was so fun I love singing with them! they are so talented, I am so blessed! then I ran home and got changed and went to Mike and Amy's wedding! It was a beautiful event and they are soooo happy, and I couldnt be happier for them! yay! Amy always knows how to throw a good party :) Sunday I went to Church,I was sitting in sunday school and could hear the primary kids singing and I felt a sad little prick in my heart, missing them already! but I was so excited to go to young womens some of the girls that are in there now were in primary when I was the chorister so it was kind of fun to tease them about not being able to get rid of me! haha. anyway so we had a whirlwind of a weekend it was a blast. Kettybug got to stay with her nana and play with her friends savanna and mckenzie she went swimming and ate pizza and got neilsons frozen custard and had a sleepover and watched movies she had a blast!!!! anyway thats about it, Cant wait to see what this week holds for us!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Crazy Weekend!!!

So, I worked all weekend! it was insane! I worked friday night, a double on sat. v-day, sunday afternoon and again tonight. I am pretty worn out for the weekend. I cannot believe how busy we were!! the job has been a blast though as tired as I am I am still grateful for the job! this weekend I also got released from my church calling as primary chorister, I am sad but grateful to be doing something else I have been the chorister for almost 3 years, I feel like the kids are like my own, I have watched them grow up and it will be hard to leave them. but I am excited for my new calling I am a mia maid advisor in Young Womens! yay! I get to go to girls camp! wooo hooo! anyway, it's been a long weekend for brett, he has been fantastic with watching Miketta and I think he is starting to realize just how much I put up with! I think he was ready to go back to work! haha! kettas nana has also been great to help with kettybug I never have to worry about her when she is with her nana! anyway that is a quick update for ya, I am trying to be better at posting! haha!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!!

well, I am two days late, but just wanted to put a quick note in here to my hubby he's put up with my craziness for 5 years! I love him so much and am so grateful to him for all he does for me and for kettybug, I'm so lucky to have him in my life!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all I got a job working at Texas Roadhouse! yay! I have been wanting to go back to work forever now, its only part-time I wont be working like crazy but it will be perfect for me to be able to get out and be around people more often! yay!

Monday, January 26, 2009

American Idol Auditions in s.l. finally!

American Idol Auditions in salt lake are finally going to be aired this wed. at 7 on fox and of course I am going to be working ): after all this waiting I have to work dumb! oh well at least my family will record it for me mabey we can have it on at work but then I wouldn't be paying attention to anything I was supposed to be doing! haha.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Baking cookies!
diapers and bottles for her baby kobe!

My kill of the day

our merry christmas pictures, yes i know rocko looks posessed!

here are some pics from christmas and hunting!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm so bad at blogging!!

Well Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I know I am bad at keeping up with this blogging stuff, we had an awesome christmas. Brett totally suprised me and got me a Beautiful guitar, its a seafoam green electric accoustic fender I was so excited and shocked, we went a little overboard with ketta but its so much fun spoiling her we can't help it! She got a princess Scooter, a portable dvd player, movies, stuff for her dolls, clothes, snowclothes, oh and one of her favorite presents was from uncle brandon and aunt heather they got her a polly pocket race to the mall track, she loves it. oh and p.s. heather, the label on the box said Caution: small parts, Choking hazard not for children under 4 hahahaha. I had to laugh. but she loves it. so thanks!

So Brett had 2 weeks off for Christmas we went hunting as much as we could we had a great time, we went out one day and I shot 2 canadian geese so that was cool. I will post pictures soon. we got lucky that time. but other than that not much success. anyway we have had a great holiday we have had a blast with our families we are so thankful for them and we are looking forward to a great year!