another favorite pastime throwing everything out of mommys purse!

climbing in other things~!
and sparing me from eating all of that glorious popcorn!
So I was reading my sister-in-laws blog about how big a handful her little austin is! and it just reminded me about all the things I went through and are still going through with our little handful! it must be the Ipson genes! haha.
So here we go...... some of my favorite of Mikettas Mishaps
Throwing mommys keys in the toilet
loosing the remote control in the closet, it took 2 weeks and a closet makeover to find it!
breaking off all the "childproof" locks on the doors and cabinents
dumping Mylicon all over the bed and smearing it on the wall
giving her a box of nerds to play with thinking she couldnt get it open. haha
getting the egg carton box out of the garbage and dumping the shells on the floor and stomping all over them.
finding mommys foundation and squirting it all over everything
dumping rice vinegar on my kitchen rugs
two words Comet Clenser all through the house.
sticking things up her nose, gold fishys in particular
there are so many more it would take a while to write them all down but there is just a little sample of kettas great accomplishments! Gotta love her!
I have no idea how you feel. Jaxan has never done anything like that. She has had concussions though... I guess messes are better than a zillion doctors visits.
Miketta sure has gotten into some fun messes! Sydney is just starting that stage and is driving me crazy. Oh well you gotta love them huh!
I have two words for you.. Ha ha... Really and I thought it was funny when Austin pulled a tote over to the garage cupboard and climbed up on it dumped out all of the mountain dews on the cemement floor then grabed the carpet cleaner on the 2 to top shelf and started squirting Gavin... ha ha pretty much sums it up... poor gavin sitting there getting dew's thrown at him then sprayed to top it off... I swear I'm going to have an absoulte come-a-part if this keeps up...
Tell me about it I'm freak'n screwed here I have a Brett and a Brandon divided among two that are almost equally the same size and will be within a year. Needless to say I have very creative child locks and I don't leave them alone longer than 3-5 minutes and even that's dangours...
I need your home address! E-mail me mel_danjanovich@hotmail.com or have ippy call Dave. THANKS!
Fun pics!!! Looks like you are busy with your little one. She is adorible!
tag your it see my blog and ha ha ha
we should get together and compare notes...haha
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