camping at baker!

So, where to begin? we had a great easter! I planned a get together at my moms house and then decided it would be a good idea to tell her about it! Aunt Cindy, Uncle Steve, thier family, my Uncle Jared and his family, Aunt Annie and Rachel all came over to my mom and dads and we had a blast! despite the yucky weather! we ate and laughed and colored eggs and played basketball, it was so fun! the easter bunny brought ketta a little mermaid doll and a bunch of other fun things!~ she was so fun to watch at the egg hunts this year she is totally getting the concept and its so fun to see her so excited! she said that the easter bunny was coming to her house on a blue scooter! hahaha. not sure where that idea came from!
some other things that have been going on this month, Arli had her baby on april 2nd she gave her baby to a beautiful couple they have been trying for 7 years to have a baby and they have had a long road and we are so blessed to have met them! they flew in for the birth and got there about 3 hours before they decided to take arli and have a c-section done, she weighed 9 pounds and 12 ounces, they named her Hazel Ann, I will post some pictures so you can see how beautiful she is! I cannot get over arli's unselfishness she just amazes me. its been hard and emotional but also very comforting at the same time we all know that she is where she is supposed to be its hard to explain. adoption truly is miraculous!
we went on our annual confrence camping trip! we love to listen to confrence in the great outdoors, its so nice. while we were up at baker we took our bows and got some shooting practice in! I ended up loosing an arrow! ooops! haha. I love my bow I am excited to be learning about bow hunting its definetly not as easy as a lot of people make it look!
I also took ketta and her little boyfriend tyler to the river a few weeks ago we got some great pictures and they had a blast!
anyway cant think of anything else that has been going on, I try to recapture the whole month in one post! probably not at great idea but its better than nothing I guess, I don't know I dont think our lives are all that exciting! haha! lots of loves!