Monday, February 16, 2009

Crazy Weekend!!!

So, I worked all weekend! it was insane! I worked friday night, a double on sat. v-day, sunday afternoon and again tonight. I am pretty worn out for the weekend. I cannot believe how busy we were!! the job has been a blast though as tired as I am I am still grateful for the job! this weekend I also got released from my church calling as primary chorister, I am sad but grateful to be doing something else I have been the chorister for almost 3 years, I feel like the kids are like my own, I have watched them grow up and it will be hard to leave them. but I am excited for my new calling I am a mia maid advisor in Young Womens! yay! I get to go to girls camp! wooo hooo! anyway, it's been a long weekend for brett, he has been fantastic with watching Miketta and I think he is starting to realize just how much I put up with! I think he was ready to go back to work! haha! kettas nana has also been great to help with kettybug I never have to worry about her when she is with her nana! anyway that is a quick update for ya, I am trying to be better at posting! haha!!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy Anniversary to us!!

well, I am two days late, but just wanted to put a quick note in here to my hubby he's put up with my craziness for 5 years! I love him so much and am so grateful to him for all he does for me and for kettybug, I'm so lucky to have him in my life!