Wednesday, October 8, 2008

our crazy summer!

ok, so I promised an update on American Idol, so I went and auditioned and made it past the first round which was awesome!! they only chose 215 people out of 6,000 so it was a miracle in itself that I made it even that far then we had to wait a couple of weeks to go back so we had 2 more auditions to get through before you go to Paula, randy and simon. So I made it past the 2nd audition and was the very first to audition for the 3rd round which was a big deal, you sing a lot longer than the first 2 auditons and your in the big room with the American Idol backdrop you see on t.v. so I go into the room all sorts of excited, (I mean wouldn't you be too?) and I sing and talk with the Exc. producers and they totally seemed to like me we were joking about the funniest stuff, anyway they said they loved my personality and look but that my voice just wasnt unique enough, so it was a no I was pretty bummed but I was so glad that I did it and so thankful that I made it through that far. I learned a lot and we will see where I am next year I may just try it again. Thats my exciting stuff of the summer. Brett has been crazy busy working but also crazy busy hunting he got back into bow hunting this year which has been so fun for him he has missed doing stuff like that and I am glad he got the opportunity this year for antlerless elk, he had a couple shots but missed, I had no idea bow hunting was so hard! hopefully next year I will have my own bow and be able to go too, thats the plan! Ketta has been my little busy body as always, she dosent let the boys push her around! there is a boy in her nursery his mom asked him if he was excited to go to nursery and play with Miketta and he said "no she's dangerous!" haha. She just wouldnt let him push her around! we got a kick out of that! she has had a habit of sticking things up her nose lately, the other day I was walking her in the stroller and she was eating those colored gold fish anyway she stuck a green one up her nose and when we got to the park I go to get her out of the stroller and she says "mommy get the gold fishy out of my nose." so we turned around and headed for home to try to get the gold fishy out! ketta also got to go to the 2nd audition of A.I. and everybody LOVED her there, I think they were more into her than me. she was so funny she would just spontaneously yell american idol yay!!! she won over everybody, she kept saying mom I am on t.v. on american idol! oh boy here we go! anyway we have been a busy, but happy bunch! we are excited that the weather is finally cooling down its beautiful here this time of year! and duck hunting season has officially started if you can't get a hold of us its probably because we are out hunting! haha. loves to all!

1 comment:

The Weston's said...

oh Mika- I thought for SURE i'd see you on the Hollywood week- who knows- Atleast you already know how fickle this business is- I think you are amazing :)